Financial Accounting Package of the Millennium



Made By: -

Jayman Dalal

Gagan Deep Gupta

Sachin Khurana

Jayant Kumar



The whole world revolves round finance. The management of money plays a pivotal role not only for huge business houses, but also for small-scale industries and in household. There is where our Financial Accounting System – “ABACUS” comes handy. A customized accounting system to handle, at present, small-scale businesses, provides a full-scale fully controlled accounting with customizable reports.


The Backend


We have created three tables named Ledger, Trans and Acgroups.


The structure of the three tables is as follows:


Ledger Table:









This table contains the information of all the accounts created by the user.

Code: This column contains unique code generated internally when a new account is created.

Name: This column contains the name of the account.

Bal: This column contains the balance (Credit or Debit) of the account.



Trans Table:














This table stores various transactions that occur between the accounts.

Tno: This column contains unique transaction number, which is also generated internally.

Tdate: This column contains the date on which the transaction occurred.

Crcode: This column contains Crcode, which is a foreign key that references the primary key, Code in Ledger table. It represents the code of account, which is being credited in the transaction.

Drcode: This column contains Drcode, which is a foreign key that references the primary key, Code in Ledger table. It represents the code of account, which is being debited in the transaction.

Tamt: The amount, which is transacted between the accounts, is stored in this column. This amount is subtracted from the creditor’s balance and added to the debtor’s balance.


Acgroups Table:









Information regarding type of accounts that can be created is stored in this table.


Grcode: In this column two digit code is stored. Different codes represent different type of accounts. Eg. ‘00’ is for Capital accounts

                     ‘08’ is for Sales accounts.

This two-digit code is used in the starting two bits of the records in code column in ledger table.

Grname: This column contains the names of 12 different type of accounts.

Grcount: This is a count that indicates the total number of accounts of each type. Initially it is zero and is incremented each time a new account of that type is created.



Categories of transactions


  1. Purchase – Credit entries only in Cash & Bank, Debtor and Creditor accounts. Debit entries only in Purchase.
  2. Sales – Credit entries only in Sales. Debit entries only in Cash and Bank, Debtor and Creditor accounts.
  3. Payment - Credit entries only in Cash and Bank accounts. Debit entries can be in any other account.
  4. Receipt – Debit entries only in Cash and Bank accounts. Credit entries can be in any other account.
  5. Contra – Debit and Credit entries only in Cash and Band accounts.
  6. Journal – Credit and Debit entries can be n any other account other than Cash and Bank account.



Front end


We have developed 10 forms, 5 reports and 2 menus.


  1. Create Account – Creates different types of ledger accounts.
  2. Transactions – This includes 6 different types of transaction forms, viz. payment, receipt, contra, sales, purchase and journal.
  3. Modify Transactions – Allows user to modify date and amount of transaction
  4. Help – Displays the programmer’s credits



  1. Day Book – Shows list of daily transactions between user-specified two dates
  2. Ledger – Shows the debit/credit transactions for a user-specifies account.
  3. Trail Balance
  4. Balance Sheet
  5. Profit and Loss